Friends are my chosen ingredients to my life and must be thought about carefully to make the perfect meal considering I will be tasting my life 'till I die. Therefore I take my time with my trust in people, though I tend to treat others in the same manner as they treat me.
Materialism is not my game. If it is not useful... Then why... nuff said.
I enjoy complicated games, all sorts. Board games, Card games, Computer games, even some console games. I am picky with the games I play... it has to make me think it has to challenge me. Mind you I do not intend the impression of games like poker. I know poker, I've played poker... Poker is a boring game... no challenge, just luck. I mean games like Settlers of Catan, Magic the Gathering, Tabletop with a good GM, Space Chem, Chess, Pandemic, etc. I sometimes over do it and become a gamaholic, but I quickly recover.
I like to be active. I frequent walks, hikes, bikes, swimming (if the weather warrants it), camping, However I have not been doing much lately and it is starting to show. I... must... go... hiking. Anyways...
I'm a minimalist; I do not like owning a bunch of "stuff" but I do like to have "some stuff". If I find myself getting "a lot of stuff" then I start "throwing stuff away" or "donating stuff".
I am very family oriented and like it that way. I will visit my family quite often including most holidays (regardless of the religious implications with most holidays) it is a time to enjoy ones relatives and reflect on how lucky we all are to have people in our lives that tolerate you.